ATA Carnet is an international customs document - a customs declaration for the temporary export of goods to the countries-participants of ATA Guarantee system. The Convention on Temporary Import which was signed in Istanbul in 1990 determines the operation of ATA carnets.
Advantages of ATA Carnet
ATA Carnet is used in 77 countries in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa and Oceania.
Ukraine is a part to the Istanbul Convention since 2004.
The Istanbul Convention contains the categories of goods for which temporary import of Carnet ATA can be applied:
Goods specified in a ATA Carnet can be exported and returned in one or more batches.
ATA Carnet is a book of A4 format, consisting of a certain number of detachable and non-separable letters of different colors and purposes. Detachable sheets remain with the customs authorities of the transit countries. The number of detachable and non-separable letters depends on the number of countries of temporary import and transit.
The issuance of ATA Carnets in Ukraine is carried out by the guaranteeing organization - the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 988-r of December 31, 2004) as well as regional CCIs, which according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1654 dated 29.11.2006. have the authority to issue ATA carnets.
Methodical recommendations for the issuance of ATA carnets
Memo to the owner of the ATA carnets
For registration of ATA Carnet it is necessary to provide:
Legal entities, individuals - entrepreneurs:
an extract from the Uniform State Register of Legal and Physical Entities of Ukraine in paper form (must be made not earlier than 10 days before the date of filing an application for receipt of ATA Carnet).
Copy of the card of the physical entity - the taxpayer (identification number), certified by the signature of the Customer;
Copy of the passport - the first, second, third and eleventh pages, certified by the signature of the Customer.
The transfer of deposit funds to the account of the guarantee organization (ORCCI) or a bank guarantee can be made. It is returned within three working days after the used ATA Carnet is presented to ORCCI.
* If ATA Carnet is not picked up by the customer, a fee of 2040,00 UAH (inclusive VAT) will be charged.
Upon ATA Carnet’s registration, World Council for ATA Carnets makes an additional registration charge (8,00 EUR, excluding VAT), which is calculated in the national currency of Ukraine at the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine on the day of payment.
Cost: 2970 UAH. (standard rate - up to 10 business days)
5940 UAH (urgent rate up to 3 business days)
8910 UAH (express rate - 1 business day)
ATA Carnet will be issued upon the completion of the payment.
Please contact:
Myslytska Irina +38 (067) 4850234
Khachkurusova Victoria +38 (067) 9820286
Rozhok Sergey +38 (067) 4853574
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
ATA Carnet Issue