Certificates of origin help to promote Ukrainian goods to world markets, provide privileges for the clearance of goods.
Certificate of origin of goods is an established form of the document, which clearly indicates the country of origin of the goods issued by the authority of the exporting state authorized in accordance with national legislation. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Ukraine" dated 02.12.97 № 671/97-ВР in Ukraine, the authorized body is the chamber of commerce and industry.
The country of origin is the country where the products were completely grown, extracted, manufactured or sufficiently processed.
Specialists of the Certification Authority of the ORCCI are issuing certificates of origin for the export of Ukrainian goods to all countries of the world. ORCCI issues the following forms of certificates of origin (Sample Certificates for acquaintance):
- certificate of origin of the general form (in English);
- certificate of origin of the general form (in Russian);
- certificate of origin of the form "A" (Japan, USA);
- certificate of origin of the form "ST-1" (CIS countries);
- certificate of origin of the form "ЕUR-1" series М (Republic of Macedonia);
- certificate of origin of the form "U-1" (operates within the customs territory of Ukraine);
- Certificate of origin for preferential goods exported to the United Mexican States;
- certificate of origin of services.
The Certificate of Origin of Services is a document that confirms that the service is performed by a Ukrainian enterprise within or outside the customs territory of Ukraine.
Also, ORCCI issues a certificate of free sale.
The reason for conducting work on determining the country of origin of goods / services is the application, which must be signed by the official of the customer-company and stamped by the customer (the sample is attached).
Properly documented confirmation the origin of the goods / services should be presented together with the application, as well as the fact of export (a list of documents is attached).
The customer submits the original documents or their copies:
- the inscription "According to the original", certified by the seal of the enterprise, presenting the document;
- signature of the representative, which makes the inscription, his last name.
Please be advised that:
- in connection with the Commission of the EU Decree No 2017/217 of 05.12.2016 regarding the exclusion of Ukraine from the list of beneficiary countries GSP, from 01.01.2018 the chambers of commerce and industry stopped issuing forms A certificates for goods exported to the EU countries within the scope of the GSP.
The origin of goods from Ukraine, exported to the EU countries, is confirmed by a certificate of the form EUR-1 (issued by the customs authorities) or a certificate of the general form (issued by the chambers of commerce and industry);
- on the basis of the Decision of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 25, 2017 No. 2017/11168, Ukraine was removed from the list of beneficiary countries of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) of the Republic of Turkey.
In connection with this, the chambers of commerce and industry have ceased issuing forms A certificates for products of Ukrainian origin exported to the Republic of Turkey. The origin of goods from Ukraine exported to the Republic of Turkey is confirmed by the certificate of the general form issued by the chambers of commerce and industry.
Additional information:
Tel./fax: (0482) 33-24-06,
Tel .: (048) 734-21-06
E-mail: [email protected]
Certificates of Origin